Socialist Poale Zionism handles the problem by bringing national unity into socialism. It wants to realize socialism without class struggle. Social Democratic Poale Zionism handles the problem by bringing class struggle into Zionism. The reason is that Poale Zionism is not serious about socialism and does not have the Jewish worker at heart. Poale Zionism is alienated from the theory and practice of the class struggle and consequently the working class is indifferent to Zionism. Socialist Poale Zionism, which was founded by N. Syrkin and afterwards by the Austrian Poale Zionists S. Kaplansky, L. Hazanovitch, and others, is just as old. In sum, Poale Zionism aspires to socialism, i.e. the abolition of private property in the means of production and to Zionsim, i.e. the creation of a national home in Eretz Israel. All other philosophical issues and details about the future are declared private matters.