Differences in the degree of romanticism arise with the differences in the training of various groups, classes, and religions, as might be expected. Nations may be classified according to religious denomination. The Eastern Church has long been known to indulge in contemplation and passivity more than do Roman Catholicism and Protestantism. It is characterized by a strange inflexibility, a lack of ability to proselytize; whereas Catholicism and Protestantism are religiously and politically active, Eastern Christendom is passive. The whole method of the new post-Reformation Catholicism is active, has a warlike character: discipline, energy, in both the good and the extreme meanings of the terms. Socialism itself is evolving toward more realistic ends. The labor question is only becoming a question of laborers, of the heroes of work. The modern theory of progress and evolution is a theory of work, in the sense that all progress takes place through work, unconscious and conscious.