Due to the public nature of reference work, librarians need to be accountable to the patrons that they serve. A high level of performance at the reference desk generates good public relations and creates an atmosphere in which patrons are encouraged about returning to the library, whereas poor performance reflects poorly on the library as a whole. In addition to this direct accountability to patrons, reference librarians should be measured on their accountability to their colleagues, the library administration, and the profession as a whole.

Several methods have been developed to evaluate the performance of reference librarians. Most such methods concentrate on the accuracy of the response to the patron’s question and neglect the process involved in obtaining that answer. Unfortunately, this method of fact-based evaluation does not reflect the needs of patrons at most reference desks. This paper proposes a method for evaluating reference performance based upon behavioral factors. In addition, some specific behaviors which correlate to positive or negative experiences during the reference transaction are discussed.