Neoliberalism has reinvented the notion of the individual citizen within the nation state into a particular form of competitive self-interest that moves beyond national boundaries. The hegemony of neoliberalism along with its inequitable effects has subsequently reshaped the project of compulsory education and compounded the challenges schooling systems face. The global education reforms that arise from varied neoliberal agendas lead to varying and complex outcomes in different education systems and schools. The intensified assault on public education is manifested in a number of ways including resource cutbacks and constraints and the increasing commodification of education. In addition to shaping educational systems across the globe, conservative ideologies and neoliberal policies have also impacted responses to the challenges faced by societies such as economic instability, wars, refugee flows, environmental damage, racism, sexism, and poverty. Global capital, in its current neoliberal form in particular, leads to human degradation and inhumanity and has increased social class inequalities within states and globally.