In moments of great uncertainty like a pandemic, innovation seems to be the only way out by offering novel solutions. The capacity to innovate has, however, typically been associated with a few exceptional individuals, and is often seen to be the preserve of the West or the North where great innovations have emanated from in the past. This excludes most people from the possibility of contributing to complex problem-solving. Much as people are advised to “think outside the box” when solving problems or innovating, there is scant advice on how exactly one does this. In this chapter, the authors unveil The Innovation Algorithm, a step-by-step formula of how to think outside the box and to therefore innovate. By simplifying a process that is commonly seen as complex and difficult, the authors have democratized innovation and opened it up to all peoples, from all regions of the world. The Innovation Algorithm combines cognitive and affective techniques to unlock barriers to innovation that people frequently encounter. It demonstrates how near child-like simplicity and playfulness are at the heart of innovation. It draws boundaries around the proverbial “box” and in so doing reveals a clear map of how to think outside of it. Lastly, it makes a slight but all-important change in the sequence of problem-solving from seeking to create new products/services first, to seeking a new solution pathway/approach first before attempting to create the products that adhere to that approach.