This chapter provides an insight into the purpose of each stage and task bar of the RIBA Plan of Work 2013 and how it might usefully be harnessed and used by effective clients. The 2013 plan is procurement agnostic although it is possible for an architect, project team, project manager or a client to produce their own practice or project RIBA Plan of Work 2013, which sets out more specific tasks for a number of common procurement routes. Clients may require compulsorily use of Building Information Modelling and, regardless of whatever technology is used, the client should require high quality information to be prepared by the design team for sign-off. Clients are, self-evidently, at the heart of the life of any professional but the spectrum of behaviours that they exhibit never cease to amaze, amuse or infuriate professional advisers. The better clients will value proactive advice rather than advisers who wait to be instructed.