5S is a core Lean technique that has moved from its industrial origins to service settings, including healthcare. It is often one of the earliest techniques adopted by healthcare organisations that consider the application of Lean. The application of 5S in a hospital setting is described. Although superficially simple, 5S introduces many Lean techniques and has its greatest impact when it is used to support processes. Its application includes many of the challenges of wider Lean implementations. Applied to healthcare areas without explanation and lacking a clear understanding of the improvements sought and their value to staff and patients, it can become a fruitless tidying exercise that will not embed and fails to produce lasting change. Embedding 5S in wider Lean principles, engaging staff, and working to co-produce improvements can result in lasting benefits. This also increases confidence in the ability of the team to work together to produce improvement in their area of responsibility. Kanban is a type of ‘visual signal’ or ‘card’ that is commonly used in 5S, and a case study is included in the application in a hospital setting. When 5S is included as part of wider Lean implementations, it plays an essential role in improving the experience of both staff and patients, and in increasing safety.