Building performance evaluation (BPE) provides principles, calculations and qualitative and quantitative data, which is research-led and delivers measurable outcomes for an evidence-based design process. It articulates performance related to client needs and effective resource use. Post-occupancy evaluation (POE), as part of BPE, has just four key diagnostic questions in mind: Is the building performing as expected?; Are the occupants’ needs met in their building?; Are there any problems that need solving just now?; and How can we improve our buildings for the future? BPE provides a way for architects to actively listen to client feedback and to learn from their buildings, creating a virtuous circle. It also provides a means to improve the effectiveness of the design process in terms of building performance. Progress with BPE and POE has been held back due to having to rely on the goodwill of clients and design teams to pay out for this ‘extra’ service, when it clearly should be a professional requirement.