William Godwin was born at Questwich, Norfolk, in 1756. He was educated at the Hoxton College by Dr. Kippis and Dr. Rees, and for some time followed the profession of his father at Stowmarket, Suffolk; but, in 1782, owing to a change in his religious opinions, he returned to London, and for ten years devoted himself with unwearied assiduity to historical and metaphysical inquiries. The result of this mental discipline was the publication, in 1793, of his Political Justice, the effect of which work on the public mind is sufficiently attested by the fact that three editions were sold in as many years. From the commencement of his career in London, the philosopher lived in a small cottage, without any further attendance than that of a woman who came every morning to set the house in order for the day. This chapter presents a letter of literary advice from Godwin to Shelley.