It may be laid down as an axiom, in regard to Magazine writing, that it must not be too good. Who, that is gifted with ‘a literary turn,’ is not in the constant habit of finding, that those passages of his Papers which happen to be expunged by the remorseless pens of Periodical Editors, are invariably the best? Indeed the merest novice in these matters knows perfectly well, that it is only necessary to write an Article rather better than usual from beginning to end, to ensure its rejection altogether. When, therefore, the Editor of the present Volume states, that it is the joint production of several gentlemen who have long been distinguished for the piquancy of their / Periodical writings, and that every Article it contains has been ‘Rejected’ from at least one celebrated Journal of the day, he not only settles the pretensions of the Work he is appointed to usher into the world, but explains its nature in a way that must render any further remarks from him superfluous.