Dining out is an accomplishment in which we English do not excel. It demands a certain politic pliancy, both of mind and body, which we cannot boast. It is that one among the Fine Arts in which we are immeasurably behind our continental neighbours. In fact we are the worst Diners-out in the world. We do not understand the principle of it. Even the South Sea Islanders understand and practice it better; for when they go to a dinner party, it is for the express purpose of dining upon an enemy; whereas an Englishman, when he does not dine at home, dines upon his friend. The truth is, that in civilized society, Dining out has nothing whatever to do with eating and drinking. Who asks a man to dine out that cannot afford to dine at home? – The thing never / happened. It is altogether incompatible with the ‘scope and tendency’ of dinner parties.