The lust of power, and the pride of conquest, have doubtless produced instance far too numerous, of man enslaved by man. The wealth derived from the horrid traffic, has created an influence that secures its continuance; unless the people at large shall refuse to receive the produce of robbery and murder. The Legislature having refused to interpose, the people are now necessarily called on, either to reprobate or approve the measure; for West-India-Slavery must depend upon their support for its existence, and it is in the power of every individual to increase, or to diminish its extent. The slave-dealer, the slave-holder, and the slave-driver, are virtually the agents of the consumer, and may be considered as employed and hired by him to procure the commodity. The diminution of the consumption of West-India produce, would also have a powerful effect by finking the price of the commodity; and thereby take away the temptation to import additional slaves.