It will be recollected, that in the course of the last summer, certain statements appeared in various journal of London and Edinburgh, containing some extraordinary proceedings in the removal of the tenants of Sutherland; and that counter statements were published by the agents of the Marquis of Stafford, denying in loco the truth of those former statements. An association of a Meeting held Oct. 27. 1879. This Association consists of upwards of eleven hundred poor, who have been ejected, or are under summons of removal from the Marquis and Marchioness of Stafford, in the country of Sutherland. Many persons, with a laudable and genets its sympathy, have their cause. The Association think it proper to declare, that, notwithstanding of their cruel usage and destitute circumstances, that disclaim all sentiments of a hostile nature to their ancient Chiefs, and everything connected with party or politics, and only humbly improve the consideration of those able and willing to assist the indigent.