A nefarious delusion has been practised in Yorkshire, the effect of which, hitherto, has been to prevent the county from petitioning for relief. A requisition, with about eighty names, was presented by Mr. Walter Fawkes, to the High Sheriff, for such meeting. Common minds are hardly equal to withstand the half-earnest insinuation from a dinner-table friend, of, “If you do so and so, we must cut ;” or tire shocking refresher to the memory, that a relation who is in the Church, or that another in Place, or that one who wants to be in, or their wives or cousins, will be eternally disobliged; and then tomes in the old clencher, of its “disturbing the peace of the family, and doing no good besides.” The Reformists in Yorkshire have been deceived by hollow associates, by whom they will be deceived again, if they trust them again.