How my Imprisonment terminated---The Crown abandons its Special Juries--Various Surmises why--Names and Addresses of the 144 Special Jurymen---Mr. Wooler’s Liberation--My own---My Sensations on leaving my Prison---The Surry Hills and Imprisonment--Villany and Misfortune----Re-suspension of the Habeas Corpus Act---Remarks of the Examiner---Mr. Bennett---Mr. Barham---Lord Nugent---Mr. Macdonald---Sir F. Burdett---Solitary Confinement of the Evanses in Surry Gaol---Mr. Home Sumner’s Account of the Manner in which Evans can see the Surry Hills--A Lord and a Lickspittle---Trench’s Description of his Confinement---Fortitude of Innocent Men, imprisoned under Mr. Pitt’s Suspension.