“The great object of the production (the Report) is evidently to confound the cause of Reform with sedition and confusion; to make out that reform indeed is a mere pretence, or an attempt to gain a footing for Rebellion; and that the uppermost thing in the minds of those who profess it, is not the purification of Parliament, and a return to the first principles of the Constitution, but an overthrow of the Constitution itself. There are two distinct features in the Report, but the expression in both is the same. The first regards an actual conspiracy, which is alleged to have existed; and the second takes cognizance (which it has no right to take) of the mere Societies for Reform;—but Reform,—Reform is the galling thing throughout; and the more galling, inasmuch as the Reporters, with all their pains-taking to confound them, are really obliged to separate the two questions.