Being a driving force in the field of gender equality is an integral part of the Swedish self-image. To a large degree, outside viewers confirm this image. Important factors behind this international reputation are a number of policy reforms but also long-term and persistent work from various actors with interest in spreading the image of Sweden globally. One of these actors is the Swedish Institute – a government agency politically tasked to spread knowledge of Sweden globally. This article analyses the Institute’s information material on gender equality from the 1960s until recent times. The purpose of the study is to analyze how the concept of gender equality has been filled with meaning during different periods and how this understanding has contributed in shaping images of Sweden abroad. The study highlights how positively charged concepts like gender equality, sexual openness, etc. could be used as strategic resources in international relations. In the information materials from the Swedish Institute, gender equality is essential for shaping images of Sweden as a modern, progressive and open-minded country.