This chapter discusses the theories underpinning equine and animal-assisted therapies, highlight research outcomes, and discusses the professional ethics and guidelines to consider relative to one’s scope of practice. Horses and dogs, for example, commonly participate in animal-assisted therapies. The equine-assisted therapist worked in collaboration with Clara's regular psychotherapist to create a treatment plan with therapeutic goals and objectives which were in line with the services she already received. The therapist and Clara also talked about safety around equines, how to approach them and how she was feeling while discussing the things. The philosophical underpinnings in the field of animal-assisted interactions are guided by the professional disciplines, such as social work, psychology, or counselling, of the individual(s) facilitating the interaction as well as animal welfare practices which continue to develop. The field of animal-assisted therapies continue to evolve at a rapid pace, and professional development, ethical obligations, education, and skill development for practitioners are gaining ground, the world is taking notice.