The massive open online course (MOOC) is an open-learning website that is increasingly popular and used by millions of people worldwide. This project embarked on the development of contents for a course on critical and creative thinking for UTeM MOOC, aiming at producing more interesting lecture videos and other content for the course. The objectives of this project were fourfold: to identify the most suitable multimedia elements to be used in videos; to design interactive multimedia elements including animations for videos; to develop interactive multimedia elements including animations for videos; and to evaluate how successful this multimedia integrated video will help users in understanding the lessons. This project development involved the ADDIE model for its development process, survey through questionnaires for subject matter experts and students, and also partial experiment for testing the product’s usability by conducting a pretest and posttest with two groups of students, namely the control and experimental groups. The samples consisted of 20 students and 7 lecturers from the Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka (UTeM). The results found that the use of the multimedia materials in the MOOC helped the students to get better scores and gain more understanding of the course compared with the conventional materials.