To become effective 21st-century writers, L2 learners need to develop a range of knowledge and skills beyond formulaic writing structure, including critical thinking, metacognitive awareness, cross-cultural competence, technology literacy, and communication skills. Recognizing the powerful role technology can play in promoting these skills, this case study used Google Docs and online editing tools to implement student-created rubric, peer-assessment, and self-editing into a college writing course. As it was the most accessible and familiar application for the Intermediate Academic Writing 3 (IAW3) students, Google Docs was used as the main in-class collaboration tool. In IAW3, Google Docs provided a platform for the students to brainstorm ideas in small groups, initiate classroom discussions, and refine their ideas throughout the activities. In addition, while self-editing, the students evaluated the usefulness of the site based on its user-friendliness and the extent to which it helped them realize and revise their common errors.