This chapter discusses the case study which illustrates how university students in Indonesia engage in an online cultural writing exchange project with university students in Japan. In this process, Indonesian students for whom English is a required subject in their university studies in Agroecotechnology collaborate on writing assignments and online discussions with their counterparts in Japan using a Moodle-based online collaborative writing space and videoconferencing. The English language learners described in this case study were 26 first-year and five second-year undergraduate students. All students came from various ethnic and cultural groups in Indonesia and were bilingual in Bahasa Indonesia and various native languages: Papuan, Jakartan, Lampungese, Sundanese, Javanese and Batak. Blended learning in this class combined online and face-to-face modalities where the students collaborated and engaged in online tasks outside of the classroom for six weeks. The online writing exchange aimed to improve the students’ writing skills and increase intercultural knowledge.