The outer limits of Mauritius exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf (CS), as well as its CS beyond 200 nautical miles constitute part of the boundary of the deep seabed Area beyond national jurisdiction. On 1 December 2008 Mauritius and Seychelles made a joint submission to the United Nations Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on the limits of their overlapping CS beyond 200 M in the region of the Mascarene plateau consisting of 396,000 km. After the recommendations of the CLCS regarding the joint submission with Seychelles in respect of the region of the Mascarene plateau, the Mauritius prime minister made the Maritime Zones Regulations 2012, as required by the 2005 Act. This regulation confirms that the geodesic lines connecting the geographical coordinates of the points as set out in the Schedule, in line with recommendations of the CLCS, shall be the outer limits of the extended continental shelf of Mauritius in the Mascarene plateau region.