This chapter outlines in a very broad manner, forms of antisemitism that link themselves to disease are particularly effective propaganda that can radicalize communities and lead to social tensions and violence. Establishing a relationship to illness can make antisemites’ claims more insidious, turning would-be threats of Jewish treacheries akin to unseen threats to the health, well-being, and existence of the individual and to her or his community. Belief in an immutable Jewish character evolved and mutated during the modern era, that is, the period ushered forth variously by the Age of Enlightenment, the French Revolution, the Industrial Revolution, and the rise of scientific thought, so that the relationship between antisemitism and disease became stronger and assumed new dimensions. New forms of antisemitism, or at least the use of antisemitic themes associated with the COVID pandemic also began to emerge. State actors have also been involved in building antisemitic rhetoric that capitalizes on COVID-19.