Clinical supervision plays an integral role in the process of becoming a counsellor, psychologist, psychotherapist or psychiatrist and is a recommended contributory element of continuing professional development for many mental health practitioners. The knowledge, skills and modelling that a supervisor conveys are important aspects of helping the supervisee to assist their client by offering support, a reflexive safe space to explore successes and difficulties, an opportunity to learn, as well as promote best practice in both the therapeutic and supervisory relationships. However, the nature of clinical supervision and, in particular, training supervision engenders several important professional and ethical considerations for both participants of the supervisory dyad. Such considerations therefore require serious attention in terms of their impact on the welfare of the client and the process of learning. This chapter examines some of these issues and their potential to influence the supervisory experience. Although the chapter focuses on training supervision, ideas and application will also be of relevance to qualified practitioners either in their role of supervisor, supervisee or both. The term supervision will refer to clinical supervision throughout the chapter.