During the year 680/1281, reports came from protected Aleppo that the raiders (ghayyāra) had turned towards the [Seljuq] Rūm, being 600–700 riders. They encountered a caravan of approximately 200 camels leaving the land of Sīs to Rūm, and robbed it. During the year 1282 the Sultan al-Malik al-Manṣūr desired to marry the Sultan al-Malik [20] al-Ṣāliḥ50 off. When it was 19 Rajab 681 [October 23, 1282] he married the daughter of the emir Sayf al-Dīn Nogai son of Bayan son of Quṭūghān, one of the Mongol commanders in the Sultan’s service. All of the people attended according to their classes: from the possessors of swords, pens, knowledge and flags. During the year 1283, the Sultan took heed of the inhabitants of Acre’s request, as their envoys had repeatedly gone to his formal banquets in Syria and Egypt, for a truce. They could present themselves when they wanted from the direction of the sea.