This chapter presents the duplicate of a blessed truce established between our master the Sultan, may God immortalize his dominion, and the king […] and his broth[ers] […] and his in-laws. The truce was signed between al-Malik al-Ashraf Ṣalāḥ al-Dīn Khalīl son of al-Malik al-Manṣūr Sayf al-Dīn Qalāwūn, ruler of the Egyptian homelands, and the Syrian lands, and Don Jaime, King of Aragon (al-rayd Araghūn), ruler of Barcelona from the Andalusian lands. It was signed in Ṣafar, year 692 [January 1293]. The content of their face-to-face discussions and their request was reestablishment of the basis for the peace, love and friendship. The stipulations that al-Malik al-Ashraf stipulated upon King Don Jaime were that he was obligated to all stipulations, and that the aforementioned king swear to them—him and his aforementioned two brothers, and his two in-laws. This love and mutual friendship will continue according to the stipulations.