This chapter shows how disability minority rights models have strategically moved between advancing ideas of difference informed by disability as a material social condition requiring creativity of living and, therefore, a source of unique subjectivity in its own right. For instance, in Crip Times Robert McRuer shows how austerity-based social support cuts operate in tandem with spectacles of disability inclusion such as the extravagance of the Paralympic Games held in London, UK, in 2012. The point of the 1995 film, then, was to explore a nascent notion of disability culture–i.e. crip culture–that sought not just inclusion, but rather a revision of exclusionary social networks based on disability as a foundational aspect of human diversity as opposed to liberal formulations of mitigation against deviancy. If the ‘judges of normality are present everywhere’ then medical diagnosis of pathologised conditions as aberrant have been unleashed within neoliberal professional disciplines in such a way that disability is everyone’s fiefdom of oversight.