The quantity and quality of information are uneven; they generally refer to the latest data available in 1979. Functions specified in the Act include provision of ‘educational facilities for people who cannot leave their homes and jobs’, ‘facilities for the training of teachers’ and ‘provision for instruction in such branches of learning, technology, or vocations as it may deem fit’. Translation Cell and Department of Urdu translate and/or edit drafts and final text manuscripts. Text author primarily responsible for editing. Texts printed or duplicated from typeset or hand-calligraphed masters. Printed materials posted direct to students. Executive Council exercises ‘general supervision over the affairs and management of property of the University’, and Academic Council is highest academic body. Academic staff grouped in departments, of which Heads are directly responsible to Vice-Chancellor. Audio-visual materials, films and video-cassettes produced in Fernuniversität’s own studio. Federal organisation and laws have so far prevented collaboration with radio and television corporations.