Extra-illustration, often described as 'grangerization', is a process whereby published texts were customized by the cutting and pasting of thematically linked prints and watercolours. Retirement from London, 'for a person who has passed the greatest part of his life in a large and populous city', was viewed as the reward for a lifetime's industry. The extra-illustration of London was not just a bricolage of problematic fragments 'in remembrance of the ancient state of London', it was also tangible proof of the antiquarian's gentility, patriotism and investment in the contemporary economy. Extra-illustration gained popularity in the 1790s, when the purchase of such English commodities could be justified in patriotic terms and as evidence of the antiquarian's participation in the modern world of goods. Moses Griffith's advertisement indicates a further assertion of masculine liberality in the project of extra-illustrating. Under Pennant's auspices, Griffith offered his services to other extra-illustrators of books.