This chapter describes a blended course model for ongoing K-12 teacher professional development that was developed, implemented, and replicated as part of a grant-funded learning opportunity entitled Spreading the Word about AT and UDL: Tools and Strategies for ALL Students. Professional learning opportunities were provided throughout the school year, including face-to-face and online learning activities, professional sharing, practical projects, and active use of social media. Course content and connected assignments focused on laws pertaining to assistive technology (AT), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), and accessible educational materials (AEM); explicit instruction and practice with frameworks for strategic applications of technology; hands-on explorations of a variety of educational technology tools; development and sharing of resources; and supported uses of social media. Inclusive instructional design and principles of UDL were embedded throughout all learning experiences. The growth in knowledge and confidence of all participants was remarkable, as evidenced by pre- and post-tests, projects, and participant video testimonials. The #ATUDL Twitter topic emerged as an outcome, connecting the professional community beyond the course.