This chapter presents an overview of the problem of light weapons proliferation in a number of Sahel countries-Burkina Faso, Chad, Cote d'lvoire, Mali, Mauritania, Niger and Senegal-from a regional perspective. The problem of illegal weapons proliferation in the Sahel region is influenced by several factors, including the political climate in individual countries as well as in the region as a whole; porous borders; insufficient control of weapons held by ill-disciplined factions; and the existence in some countries of a traditional weapons culture. If states in the Sahel region do not take action (with help from the outside world), they will experience the extreme violence seen in other parts of Africa. To ensure the proper application of security assistance, an international on-site monitoring system should first be established by the United Nations, a regional organisation or the main donor states. Another important element in countering the circulation of illicit arms is the use of national information programmes.