In the three-and-a-half decades since its foundation, the CAS has become a key institution for ensuring the integrity and regulation of the world’s sport organizations and the Olympic movement. Despite being rooted in the Olympic and world sport system, the CAS and the way it operates have not always been well understood. In order to help remedy this situation, the chapter provides an overview of the CAS’s governance and suggests possible ways of improving it. This chapter is structured as follows: first, we describe a practical, hierarchical model of governance that goes beyond the internal day-to-day management of organizations. Systematically applying this model to the CAS provides a clear overview of the court/tribunal’s governance (which is done in the third section) and reveals a number of issues that could be explored in order to improve this governance. The fourth section describes these issues, which are put forward for discussion within the CAS and beyond. The conclusion highlights the importance of continually improving the CAS’s governance and thereby ensuring the continued legitimacy of “sports justice” in the eyes of all its stakeholders.