The chapter by Molly Land and Rebecca Hamilton takes the legal discussions on specific forms of propaganda straight into the most interesting and hottest arena of international criminal and human rights law debates of the present day defined by online hate speech propaganda. Land and Hamilton first outline the case study of “Facebook’s role in the Rohingya genocide as an example of coordinated speech campaigns and the limitations of current social media policies,” then they offer an “overview of international human rights law and the law on remedies that require proportionality in responses to harmful speech” and, finally, they introduce “innovative responses to hate speech that go beyond content takedowns or user bans.” Some of the key aspects of the online forms of dangerous speech addressed in this chapter are the cognitive conditioning, that is, ‘coordinated speech campaigns that create the conditions in which human rights violations are easier to justify,’ also termed ‘conditioning speech’ by the authors, and the ‘coded’ speech or speech determined by indirect cultural references understood only by local speakers.