Bion’s theory of thinking or how the mind works presupposes that knowledge of the psychological precedes knowledge of the physical world. The work feels deep and generative of ideas and meanings firing rapidly back and forth. From a Bionian viewpoint, thinking is a fundamental link between human beings and a significant constituent in the divergence of psychotic from normal functioning. Bion believed that ’s basic feeling of guilt was hiding a state of intense terror, a nameless dread. Sarah’s conscience manifestation of her guilt and shame often surface in the sessions as self-hatred and self-punitive attacks. A story of trauma and shame/guilt-laden secrets held unconsciously over generations. There is catastrophe that is displaced and removed from original catastrophe. Sarah searches for the original disaster, as well as defends against it. As in Kafka, she is filled with a shame and guilt that brutally punishes and to find peace she needs to find justification.