This chapter describes permits the diagnosis of the personality disorders of the Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM-V) and International Classifications of Diseases-10 systems as well as the diagnosis of the structural characteristics proposed in the DSM-V alternative classification of personality disorders. If the patient presents normal identity and indications of a significant personality disorder, it probably is one of the neurotic levels of personality organization, particularly, an obsessive–compulsive, hysterical, or depressive – masochistic personality disorder. Reality testing is an enormously important symptom that separates personality disorders from atypical psychotic and organic mental disorders, thus representing the boundary between personality disorders and other areas of major psychiatric disorders that may imitate but not constitute personality disorders proper. The severity of the disorder will be determined by the presence or absence of normal identity. The most severe level of personality disorder is represented by the antisocial personality disorder that evinces the worst prognosis for any psychotherapeutic approach.