While it is commonly understood that Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) serve to spread hatred, demonize others, and foment violence, they are also instrumental in mitigating tensions, preventing violence, and transforming conflict. This chapter describes how ICTs can have a positive impact in reducing violent conflict. Comparing ICT usage to New Social Movements, the authors examine the opportunities and challenges presented by digital technologies, including using social media for organizing and communicating, employing digital mapping and crowdsourcing to track events of cooperation and conflict, texting large groups of people in counteracting rumors, and tracking events and patterns in big data for early warnings of disruption. While ICTs can provide avenues for local activists to engage in critical conflict prevention work, they can also be used by oppressive governments for controlling populations and manipulating information. Thus, the authors note, ICTs can be a double edged sword. Using case studies from Egypt and Nigeria, the others provide illustrations of ICT use for social change.