The unknown author of the contribution to a debate in the Co-operative News also attempted to elide co-operation with socialism and communism. The letter details “the trial of Communism about to take place” in Sheffield, which supporters hoped would prove its validity to the doubters. Communism no doubt has hitherto failed to create a general interest in its principles, but many things have to be considered that account for this lack of interest, and also for the failure attending the numerous trials that may have been made at different periods of the world’s history. Co-operation in trade is a great success, and a blessing to thousands; yet it has been predicted to fail thousand times. The ground, occupying as it does an elevated position, commands an extensive view of the surrounding hills and valleys; the scenery is at once picturesque and beautiful, the only element wanting to complete the picture being water, small coppices and woods abounding on every hand.