The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have identified opioid abuse as an epidemic, affecting all communities and ages. Children bore opioid-addicted have many of the above, raising the likelihood of direct and future impact on development, and emotional and psychological well-being. The number of babies suffering from opiate-related addictions and symptoms has tripled since 2008. Incidence of US babies born with Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome was estimated to be over 21,732, a rate of one infant every 25 minutes, in 2012. Symptoms include: hyperirritability and overstimulation of the central nervous system ; tremors, difficulties with tone, movement, jitteriness, hyperactive deep tendon reflexes, tight muscles, seizures, restlessness, increased wakefulness/insomnia, anxiety, high-pitched crying, respiratory problems, and sleep apnea. There can also be gastrointestinal symptoms: uncoordinated and/or excessive constant sucking, poor feeding, vomiting, loose stools, and dehydration.