Anatomical reasons can be differentiated into cervical, uterine and tubal factors. It is assumed that in 10 per cent of all infertility cases cervical factors are relevant. Infertility is a worldwide problem with a prevalence of 10–17 per cent in western countries and China with exceptionally 5 per cent. Reasons for infertility are subject to regional differences. Whilst for instance in countries with a relatively low standard of living the rate of primary infertile women is fairly low and high for secondary infertility we find the opposite in industrial countries. Established reasons for infertility are anatomical like cervical, tubal and uterine factors. Hormonal reasons for infertility include severe cases such as ovarian insufficiency and thyroid gland dysfunction as well as hyperprolactinemia and luteal insufficiency. Endometriosis is quite controversially discussed as possible cause for infertility as well as environmental factors and psychosomatic reasons.