Taking inspiration from the diversity of genres, types, and mediums of works being produced by contemporary Sikh artists, the chapter on Contemporary Sikh Art covers a broad range of Sikh-themed art from across the globe. The chapter is divided into three sections. The first section begins with an overview of realist art, such as painting and sculpture. It then moves on to revivalist movements of traditional art, especially in miniature painting, lettering, and calligraphy. Next, the section briefly covers folk art, discussing jewelry, textiles, and calendar art. The first section concludes with discussion on abstract art, including mixed media works. The second section of the chapter expands the theme of abstraction to sonic and performance arts, covering the rapidly growing areas of fusion and hip-hop music, poetry, spoken word, theater, and film. The third and final section covers cutting-edge works in digital production and new media, examining online exhibits, augmented and virtual reality, 3D-printed art, and app-based games. Collectively, these three sections reflect the richness and diversity in contemporary Sikh art.