The dream of IT is to be able to automate both the development and maintenance of IT systems. Dr F. P. Brooks is the father of the System 360 from IBM, he states that ‘Software entities are more complex for their size than perhaps any other human construct’. This highlights the difficulties have been discussing. It is tempting, but misleading, to believe that Computer Aided Software Engineering tools provide a complete solution to these problems. AD/Advantage automates the process of software development by generating the system components from the design tool. The finished system is then produced through a process of gradual refinement. So have a close coupling of CAD-computer aided design and CAM-computer aided manufacturing techniques for the software world. AD/Advantage is designed with common standards in mind – AD/Cycle, Repository, Cobol, platform independence to facilitate this. Also AD/Advantage prevents any proprietary lock-in to itself, by provision of reverse engineering, repository access and cobol generation.