Before the Common Era (bce) [Some dates are estimates]

19th–17th centuries: Biblical Patriarchs and Matriarchs

1792–1750: Hammurabi [Babylonian king]

1312: Exodus from Egypt

13th century: Israelite conquest of Canaan

1150–1025: Period of the Judges

1025–1007: King Saul

1010–970: King David

1001–931: King Solomon

1000 (or before): Pre-Monarchic period

960: Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem completed

931: Split between Northern Kingdom of Israel and Southern Kingdom of Judah

740–722: Kingdom of Israel falls to Assyrians

701: Assyrian ruler Sennacherib besieges Jerusalem

649–609: King Josiah of Judah

586: Jerusalem falls to Nebuchadnezzar and destruction of Temple

539: Cyrus, King of Persia allows Jews to return to Jerusalem and rebuild Temple

516: Second Temple consecrated

460: Reforms of Ezra

356–323: Alexander the Great

320–168: Judaism under Greek Ptolemies and Seleucids

250: Septuagint translation of Torah into Greek

200–135: Qumran community

167/66: Maccabean War

164: Dedication of the Temple

157–129: Hasmonean dynasty

129/28: John Hyrcanus establishes independent Jewish State

120–220: Parthians

63: Pompeii conquers Palestine

37–34: Herod the Great

62425 bce–50 ce Philo of Alexandria

4 bce–c. 33 ce (?): Jesus of Nazareth