In the end, although the narrative fragment she published in the joint volume was mostly by Robert Southey (24 stanzas to her 15), and although ‘The three Spaniards’ (another fragment) is also his, all the remaining poems - by far the greater part of this volume - are hers. Typically, she deprecates herself to her friends: T will not leave you to learn from a publick advertisement that I am about to publish a little Volume of poetry of which the chief value will be comprised in very sm all compass - my H usband's portion of a fragment of Robin Hood - our joint work - so fondly planned’ (16 March 1847: Schonert, p. 69). The volume has a dedicatory sonnet which is worth quoting in full:

To Edith May Wärter Daughter and friend! My husband’s daughter dear, Thou who hast been a very Ruth to me, - Accept (to thee inscribed how lovingly) This wintry coronal; pale leaves and sere, My latest - last. Some strewn as o’er a bier, Inwoven some with his immortal bay Who loved to think that, with the linked lay Fast linked, our names to many an after-year, Memorial of our friendship should go down Tho’ far apart we made our bed in death. - I gathered up the scantlings for that crown Prepared; the first and few. A withering breath Hath scattered all beside. - God’s will be done! - And the two names shall live - for they are one.