The Reformed educational tradition played a crucial role in shaping the thought of Comenius, as of Hartlib and Dury. Comenius worked as Alsted’s amanuensis while in Herborn, and the master composed a Greek poem lauding his student’s love of universal wisdom. Comenius repeatedly cited Francis Bacon as an exemplar and an inspiration to him. The clearest indication of the leading role played by Johann Moriaen and Rulice in the Continental campaign for Comenius is Hartlib’s use of them to distribute the Moravian’s work. Comenius was never intended to be the sole beneficiary of the collection. Moriaen was keenly aware – as was Comenius himself – that an enterprise of such magnitude could hardly be accomplished by one man, and that Comenius badly needed competent assistance and informed constructive criticism if he was to produce anything more than alluring sketches of his Temple of Wisdom.