[266.] Hit is to be remembryd that Syre Reynolde ffijt petwr drowe Richard of Appulitre Abbot of Oseney in-to plee, axyng’ of liym! and of his men of Hokenorton sute to his mylle of Hokenorton pat ys by swereford. To pe which pe saide Abbot Answeryd that noper he no per hys men oony sute oftyd to pat my It. In-somoch that A quiteclayme pay had of pat maner of sute afore pe sayde Reynolde whas y-ffeffyd of pe sayde to compel Mylle; and that hee preuyd A charter pe which made mencion of Sibilte pe ffyrst wyfe of * Henry Doylly, pe which charter Is in the title ‘How pe church of saynte George was i-yeve to pe chanons of Oseney.’ And of pat he put hym-selfe vppon do suit to Assise. Robert Bradenstorn and raph Dichelle1 and other that were in the Assise, makyng knowlege, sayde pat pe sayde Abbot and hys men been quite of pe sute of pe sayde Mylle.

About 1258. Suit raised against Oseney, by Reginald son of Peter, lord of Swerford manor, to compel Oseney tenants at leaf 59. Hooknorton to do suit to his mill, decided (by virtue of no. 40) in favour of Oseney.