Although fishing communities have traditionally survived from their fishing activity, fishing production has diminished in recent years; hence, these communities are seeking other alternatives to promote local development. One of these options is based on the promotion of local tourism, given their cultural and natural characteristics.

Using a qualitative approach, we examined “Las Arenitas” case, a community part of a cluster of fishing communities in a geographic region near Culiacan city, in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico, where their leaders, over the last years, have considered the stimulation of the local development by the promotion of tourism.

This chapter presents the analysis of the fishing community, from the identification of key factors in the implementation of tourism activity in the region, to the challenges that they face. The results show that the locality has areas of opportunity for the development of local tourism such as natural resources, the kindness and spirit of service of its inhabitants, its proximity with the state capital, among others; on the other hand, aspects that must be overcome were identified, including psychological and cultural barriers of the inhabitants who are accustomed and adapted to their lifestyle (despite its lacks), deficiencies in infrastructure, security problems, as well as a poor business training.