This chapter explores some of the most central points regarding the very often controversial topic of the de-medicalization of human suffering. Coming from Nicaragua, through her own experience of being labeled ‘mentally ill’, de-medicalization and subsequent activism, the author has been able to gain an appreciation of the problems and obstacles people might face when considering de-medicalization processes.

Regardless of the many different reasons that might exist for a person to de-medicalize, two things become clear: one, that de-medicalization is an everyday reality for many people around the world and it probably goes unsupported in the majority of cases and if achieved, it is done so with a great deal of difficulty. The other one is that even though de-medicalization is a personal choice and experience, it takes place in the specific realm of ‘mental health’ which is plagued by corporate corruption, has gained a reputation for its record of abuses and human rights violations and ultimately, serves as a tool for the systemic oppression of the most marginalized groups.