Numerous researchers have examined social class and social class identity in higher education, finding that low-income and working-class college students experienced challenges with sense of belonging in higher education. This chapter examines four cases related to social class and equity and inclusion. In the first case, Sonja Ardoin, Ashley B. Clayton, Becky Martinez, and David J. Nguyen explore social class dynamics and interpersonal relationships as a working-class, first-generation college student navigates their first year in college. In the second case, Nicholas Tapia-Fuselier presents a scenario to help readers consider the intersection of racial privilege and social class. In the third case, Matthew J. Smith, Ariana Mollers, Johanna Ilyssa Padrid-Dykman, and Georgianna L. Martin focus on the perpetuation of classism in student hiring processes. In the final case, Avery B. Olson presents a scenario on food insecurity in higher education and the complexities of holding multiple marginalized identities.