The purpose of the chapter is twofold: to outline the significance of clothing and textiles to the individual, and to explore the capacity of clothing and textiles as tools for engagement and creativity within dementia care settings. The chapter first explores the ways in which clothing and textiles can be considered significant to people’s lives, e.g., meanings and narratives associated with items of clothing. Following this, the importance of clothing and textiles in health and social care settings is briefly discussed, e.g., the design of items of clothing. Clothing and textiles are then presented as tools for creative and multisensory practice and engagement, i.e., clothing and textile handling sessions within dementia care settings. The clothing and textile handling sessions are positioned with practical guidance, e.g., overcoming barriers to facilitating sessions and sourcing items for sessions. The chapter highlights some of the ways in which clothing and textiles can be considered significant to individuals and explores the potential of clothing and textile handling sessions within dementia care settings.