In this chapter, the authors sought to implement a series of new ideas in the area of psychoanalytic training and membership rights and duties. In February 1989, after facing many difficulties within the Venezuelan Psychoanalytic Association, as mutual intolerance and deep disagreements on various scientific, teaching, and administrative issues had proved irresolvable, in spite of much effort over the preceding years to reach a shared understanding, eight full members and seven associate members decided to approach the authorities of the International Psychoanalytical Association. In 1999 serious political turmoil begins to shatter all levels of authors' once peaceful Venezuelan community. Since then, social and political turbulence and violence have permeated their psychoanalytic community and practice. Despite the danger and economic obstacles, the authors continue with their work, offering psychoanalytic training and carrying on with their theoretical, clinical, and cultural activities. Sometimes these activities have to be postponed or cancelled, due to severe street violence and political marches.